
Weapon Type
Talent Matz
Ascension Matz
What's this?

No characters are well-rounded. There's at least one aspect a character being bad at.
These aspects are called "traits", giving you a good idea of what Zhongli is good/bad at: Exploring and Moving around, or DMG dealer and Reaction enabler,... without having to read too much text to grasp Zhongli's capabilites.
This is created in hope that you can integrate Zhongli with your current party setup more easily.

View trait scores at

Score notice

The scores are given based on the experience when using Zhongli of contributors towards these aspects (traits). We try to emphasize the experience when playing the characters (qualitative analysis) instead of going too hard into numbers (quantitive analysis).
We're also in the progress of making builds for Zhongli. It'll be accessible through the BUILDS button above, in the future.
One Mora...?
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